
Our Process | Growing and Harvesting Hemp

Our Process | Growing and Harvesting Hemp

From the time our plants go into the ground in April and May until they’re harvested, there’s a lot of work to be done. We focus our efforts on growing hemp as efficiently, sustainably, and consistently as possible — which is no small feat given some of the variables mother nature throws our way.

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Our Process | Planting

Our Process | Planting

While planting typically makes us think of spring—it actually begins each fall, when the male plants we cultivate produce millions of seeds that we collect and save. In 2023, our males produced 2.7 million seeds.

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CBD For All | Customer Story: Shane

CBD For All | Customer Story: Shane

This is part of our CBD For All series, where we share stories of our customers that inspire and move us. We sat down with a handful of customers, who told us how Lazarus Naturals helps them live a healthier, more complete daily life. These are real customers, sharing real stories. Disclosure statement: We did offer store credit in exchange for customers who shared their honest stories and experience with CBD.

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6 Things We Learned About CBD in 2023

6 Things We Learned About CBD in 2023

As 2023 comes to a close, it's an excellent time to stop for a moment and appreciate the leaps and bounds CBD researchers made this year. As we demystify some of the technical jargon within these papers, one thing rings true: CBD research continues to support a lot of potential in areas like restorative sleep, chemotherapy-induced nerve damage, physical fitness, bone health, insect repellent, and food preservation— showcasing how this compound is more than just a trend; it's a frontier with limitless potential.

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